Host Header Injection lead to Hall of Fame
Intro : Hello Hackers! What’s Up. Welcome to my New Article. Here I will discuss about Host Header Injection that takes me to Hall of Fame. So let’s start the Journey.
So I start Enumerate a Domain assume :
So there I found a Sign up Page. So I try to Sign Up with some Random Creds and Capture the Login Request in BurpSuite.
So this Request Redirect us to : So I follow the Redirection. The Path is : /secure/login.bml?err=12. And again Redirecting us to So Here I change the Host Header to and send the Request. Now the Hack is that it set the Redirection Location to : without taking us to [For Improper Validation].
Now when I follow the Redirection in BurpSuite it Completely takes us to Bing Home Page.
I copied the URL and Paste it in Browser and it is a Bing Home Page.
So an if an Attacker set a Malicious Web Server in any Domain that Redirecting us; therefore they can steal anyone’s Username a Password with this Injection.
With this I get a HOF.
So that’s it. Hope you learn something new from Here.
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