HackTheBox : Keeper
Intro : Keeper is Completely new Machine in HackTheBox. It is a very easy Machine where you get a Login Page validation with Default Cred and dumping kdbx file password to generate root id_rsa with putty. So let’s jump into the Hack.
Nmap Scan :
As usual I start with a Basic Nmap Scan. I found 2 Ports are open : 22(ssh) and 80(http).
I add the Domain Name in my Host File and Access the Web-Page.
Web Enumeration :
After that I visit the Web-Page and I found Login Page.
But I don’t know the Username and Password. I try for SQLI but no Success. After that I found ‘Request Tracker’ Text in that Page. I search it in Google for Default Creds for Request Tracker and I found Something.
Tip : root:passsword
I use the above Combination and logged in as Root. Yaaa!!
This is the Main Page.
Here after some Enumeration I go to this Location.
Here I found that ‘lnorgaard’ User says in his Comment that Password is set to : <password>
User as Lnorgaard :
Then I use that Password and Logged in as that User using SSH.
And I get the User Flag.
Privilege Escalation :
So it is time for now some PrivEsc. I found there is zip File. I unzip it and save it in a Folder.
Here are 2 Files : KeePassDumpFull.dmp and passcodes.kdbx
The kdbx File needs Password to open. So we have to think about other File. After sometime I found a Python Script to retrieve the master password of a keepass database. You can find it HERE.
I download that script in Victim’s Machine And ran it.
It gives us some Possible Password but not Understandable. :)
So I search that term in Google. I found it is a Dessert Name : rødgrød med fløde.
So maybe it is the Password of that keepass File.
So I download keepassx First.
And opened it using that Password.
Here in All Entries I found a Note Contains putty ppk File. I copy it in a text File in my VM.
The I Download putty to generate id_rsa with that txt File using Specific Format.
Then I run the Following Command.
Tip : puttygen <file_name> -O private-openssh -o id_rsa
And I get a Private Key. We can use it for Root Access using SSH.
And at last I get the Root Access of the Machine.
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Happy Hacking~